From the blog

A collection of my thoughts on programming, product development, life, and other topics, organized chronologically and including both brief and lengthy musings.

AMA: Lari Marathon, Quarter Life Crisis, Dream Job, Dan lainnya

Sekitar dua minggu lalu gue membuat halaman [AMA (ask me anything)]( yang semi-anonim. Rencananya pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini akan direview berkala setiap minggu-nya dan nanti dijawab dalam satu artikel sendiri, mungkin bisa dikelompokkan dalam tema tertentu juga kalau cocok. Nah, artikel ini adalah hasil pertama dari kumpulan jawaban dari pertnyaan yang ada.

Richard Feynman, His Life, and the Art of Solving Important Problems

I already have a clear picture of what the library in my dream house will look like. It will be filled with many interesting and classic books including Harvard Classics collection, Ibn Battuta's Travelogue, and of course, Feynman Lectures on Physics series.

Weekly Roundup: Forward

Hi. Yes. Sorry. Like I said [last week](/2018-03-25-weekly-roundup/), I've been working on a huge writing project, and apparently, I have an insufficient amount of time to other writing and programming short projects. Currently I'm working on the web thingy side on that right now.

Weekly Roundup: Learn to Adapt

It has been a tiring week for me. I did a lot of traveling lately, such as four enjoyable days to visited Bandung, and then I went back to Jakarta. And only two days after that I went to Bogor and went back to Jakarta again on the same day.

Ibn Battuta: A Scholar's Epic Journey

This morning I stumbled upon [a video]( that mentions one of the famous traveler, Ibn Battuta. And the deeper I dig, the more fascinated I am by his journey. It is one thing to visit a place and buy merchandises before return to home, but another thing to travel intentionally to explore foreign lands in the pursuit of knowledge then go back home 24 years later.

Notes: Ego Is The Enemy

Cerita hidup seseorang kadang bisa merepresentasi cerita-cerita lain yang ada. Dan langkah pertama yang seorang protagonis lakukan untuk bisa mencapai tujuan yang sedang dia kejar, adalah mengenal siapa musuh dan antagonis yang sebenarnya ada dalam cerita itu.

Mengenal Progressive Web App

Malam itu Coco baru pulang kerja, dia sedang ada di kereta Commuter Line dari Jakarta ke Depok. Sambil mengisi waktu, dia biasanya bermain HP -- *ya, Coco adalah anak muda mainstream kekinian*.